Vulcan Orienteering Meet Locations

The start/finish area will vary from meet to meet and will be posted on the website. Below are the most frequently used start/finish areas within the parks that we hold orienteering meets.

Oak Mountain State Park

  • Tranquility Day Use Area
    Turn off of John Findley Drive near mile marker 4 (BMX track is also here).
  • Terrace Drive Picnic Area [1]
    Go past the park office and beach parking lot on Terrace Drive to the picnic area next to the playground, which is just past the boat launch but before the large south trailhead parking lot. Park in the large gravel parking lot.
  • Fishing Lakes Parking Lot
    Go to the gravel parking area adjacent to the old spillway at the fishing lakes (mile marker 7 in the park).
  • National Guard Field
    Between mile markers 5 and 6 on the south side of John Findley Drive (0.4 miles west of the north trailhead or 400 feet uphill from the turnoff onto Campground Road).
  • Lakeside Pavilion
    On Terrace Drive, go past the marina, park office, and beach parking lot, to the south trailhead loop road on which the pavilions are located.
  • Terrace Drive Picnic Area [2]
    Go past the park office on Terrace Drive and park in either the beach parking lot or the boat launch parking lot. The start/finish area is located between these lots, in the field with the basketball court.
  • Marina Picnic Area
    On Terrace Drive, go just past the marina parking lot and turn right, then bear right and continue for about 500 feet. The picnic area will be on the right, across the road from the Cardinal Pavilion.
Oak Mountain State Park

Wind Creek State Park

  • North Picnic Area
    About a half mile straight ahead from the entrance, take a left turn (across from the beach), and proceed to Pavilion #3 in the north picnic area.
  • Beach
    The beach is about a half mile straight ahead from the entrance on your right.
  • Marina Parking Lot
    Just after you enter the park, turn right towards the marina. Park in the marina parking lot, near the restrooms.
  • South Picnic Area
    Go 0.9 miles straight ahead from the park entrance. Drive past the beach, and we will be at Pavilion #1, out on the point (near the silo).
Wind Creek State Park
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