Vulcan Orienteering Club
Wind Creek State Park - Alexander City, AL
May 21, 2016
VOC Local Meet Details
Yellow Orange Green Red TOTAL
Starts: 8 7 7 5 27
Participants: 18 10 7 5 40
Meet Director: Joey Ciza
Course Design: Joey Ciza
Course Setting: Joey Ciza
Food & Cooking: James Pilman, Paul Pilman, Sumner family, Garrett family, Joey Ciza
Control Pickup: Doug Wright, Sumner family, Alina Tuganova, Bonie Black

Weather: sunny and warm, temp in the 80's, wet from rain on Friday morning and overnight

mp = mis-punch (missed one or two controls)
dnf = Did Not Finish (missed more than two controls)

Split Results
Place Name                          Time

YELLOW (8) - 2.4km, 100m, 10 controls           1(101)     2(102)     3(103)     4(104)     5(105)     6(106)      7(107)     8(108)     9(109)     10(110)          F

  1 Vitalii Poluosmak               40:36         1:46       6:29      10:14      13:23      20:57      25:22       28:29      33:18      36:35       39:59      40:36                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       1:46       4:43       3:45       3:09       7:34       4:25        3:07       4:49       3:17        3:24       0:37                                   

  2 Abby Sumner + 1                 44:57         1:56       4:43      10:59      18:22      26:36      29:39       32:42      36:02      40:11       44:15      44:57                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       1:56       2:47       6:16       7:23       8:14       3:03        3:03       3:20       4:09        4:04       0:42                                   

  3 James Hodges +1                 47:22         3:37       5:54       9:07      12:26      21:24      25:00       29:15      35:30      40:49       46:36      47:22                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       3:37       2:17       3:13       3:19       8:58       3:36        4:15       6:15       5:19        5:47       0:46                                   

  4 Brenda Colyer + 4               59:03         1:45       3:08       8:58      31:31      43:02      45:19       47:30      51:38      55:00       57:54      59:03                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       1:45       1:23       5:50      22:33      11:31       2:17        2:11       4:08       3:22        2:54       1:09                                   

  5 Phoenix Sides                 1:05:55         2:26       6:28      12:53      22:00      32:15      38:42       44:03      52:06      58:11     1:05:07    1:05:55                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       2:26       4:02       6:25       9:07      10:15       6:27        5:21       8:03       6:05        6:56       0:48                                   

  6 Richard Sides                 1:06:02         2:22       6:15      12:42      21:52      32:12      38:30       44:03      52:00      58:03     1:05:01    1:06:02                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       2:22       3:53       6:27       9:10      10:20       6:18        5:33       7:57       6:03        6:58       1:01                                   

  7 John Hodges +1                1:23:59         3:31       5:32      34:29      42:06      51:20      55:19     1:00:36    1:09:12    1:14:48     1:23:20    1:23:59                                   
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering                       3:31       2:01      28:57       7:37       9:14       3:59        5:17       8:36       5:36        8:32       0:39                                   

  8 Troop 46 (4 total)            1:30:27         1:52       4:15      27:57      41:50      56:20    1:01:49     1:05:21    1:09:10    1:14:00     1:29:34    1:30:27                                   
    Troop 46 Girl Scout Troop 46                  1:52       2:23      23:42      13:53      14:30       5:29        3:32       3:49       4:50       15:34       0:53                                   

ORANGE (7) - 5.0km, 200m, 14 controls  1(124)  2(102)  3(103)  4(125)  5(130)  6(120)   7(127)  8(126)  9(119) 10(128) 11(129) 12(121) 13(104)  14(101)       F

  1 Josh Sumner              1:29:31    1:42    6:02    9:31   23:07   30:53   35:19    42:48   53:53   57:42  1:13:19 1:15:41 1:19:33 1:26:35  1:28:52 1:29:31
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             1:42    4:20    3:29   13:36    7:46    4:26     7:29   11:05    3:49    15:37    2:22    3:52    7:02     2:17    0:39

  2 Brent Green              2:01:32    3:15   10:41   14:03   45:42   53:43   56:47  1:02:23 1:22:21 1:26:59  1:40:01 1:46:53 1:50:14 1:55:44  2:00:22 2:01:32
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             3:15    7:26    3:22   31:39    8:01    3:04     5:36   19:58    4:38    13:02    6:52    3:21    5:30     4:38    1:10

  3 Sarah Sumner             2:12:57    3:54    8:10   13:04   29:04   36:48   41:51    56:37 1:17:53 1:25:10  1:43:39 1:49:04 1:55:50 2:07:33  2:11:47 2:12:57
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             3:54    4:16    4:54   16:00    7:44    5:03    14:46   21:16    7:17    18:29    5:25    6:46   11:43     4:14    1:10

  4 Patty Royal +1           3:06:23    4:05   10:17   16:35   36:06   51:53   57:40  1:35:13 1:53:03 2:01:30  2:33:23 2:38:49 2:46:01 2:58:30  3:03:55 3:06:23
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             4:05    6:12    6:18   19:31   15:47    5:47    37:33   17:50    8:27    31:53    5:26    7:12   12:29     5:25    2:28

  5 Dennis Haney +1          3:06:32    8:27   16:58   24:59   53:27 1:04:48 1:11:36  1:33:13 1:47:13 1:58:00  2:23:19 2:29:16 2:35:16 2:59:42  3:04:41 3:06:32
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             8:27    8:31    8:01   28:28   11:21    6:48    21:37   14:00   10:47    25:19    5:57    6:00   24:26     4:59    1:51

  6 Cindy Louderback         4:06:53    3:34    8:53   13:51   37:40 1:03:17 1:06:52  1:28:59 1:40:00 1:56:28  2:47:04 3:09:31 3:35:27 3:59:34  4:04:37 4:06:53
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             3:34    5:19    4:58   23:49   25:37    3:35    22:07   11:01   16:28    50:36   22:27   25:56   24:07     5:03    2:16

    Bonnie Black +1            DNF      6:41   21:21   31:02 1:13:28 1:29:14 1:36:14  2:20:25 2:39:44 2:57:21    -----   -----   -----   -----    ----- 4:17:58        
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             6:41   14:40    9:41   42:26   15:46    7:00    44:11   19:19   17:37                                           1:20:37

GREEN (7) - 5.8 km, 220m, 14 controls  1(102)   2(111)   3(112)   4(113)   5(115)   6(130)    7(118)   8(123)   9(126)   10(119)  11(120)  12(121)  13(104)   14(101)        F

  1 Mona Lindsey             1:41:37    3:39     8:39    15:53    20:56    27:44    40:35     44:32    51:42  1:00:32   1:05:32  1:15:51  1:27:30  1:37:09   1:40:02   1:41:37
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             3:39     5:00     7:14     5:03     6:48    12:51      3:57     7:10     8:50      5:00    10:19    11:39     9:39      2:53      1:35                                                                                                                                                 

  2 Lee Sumner               1:43:02    3:16     8:19    14:28    19:50    27:13    44:22     49:13    56:31  1:07:02   1:11:23  1:22:26  1:33:23  1:39:32   1:42:09   1:43:02
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             3:16     5:03     6:09     5:22     7:23    17:09      4:51     7:18    10:31      4:21    11:03    10:57     6:09      2:37      0:53

  3 John Garrett             1:47:56    2:24     6:39    13:05    18:44    26:05    44:24     48:25    57:49  1:09:40   1:14:47  1:26:22  1:33:01  1:44:12   1:47:02   1:47:56
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             2:24     4:15     6:26     5:39     7:21    18:19      4:01     9:24    11:51      5:07    11:35     6:39    11:11      2:50      0:54

  4 Robby Lindsey            2:18:06    5:14    11:17    19:13    23:55    38:10  1:02:33   1:10:29  1:19:33  1:34:50   1:41:31  1:53:01  2:03:53  2:12:10   2:15:47   2:18:06
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             5:14     6:03     7:56     4:42    14:15    24:23      7:56     9:04    15:17      6:41    11:30    10:52     8:17      3:37      2:19

  5 Rick Green               2:37:30    3:12     9:08    26:59    37:06    48:23  1:10:37   1:18:19  1:29:15  1:42:14   1:49:08  2:06:31  2:19:24  2:31:08   2:35:12   2:37:30
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             3:12     5:56    17:51    10:07    11:17    22:14      7:42    10:56    12:59      6:54    17:23    12:53    11:44      4:04      2:18

  6 Alina Tuganova           2:47:00    4:09    11:05    22:57    28:26    40:29  1:09:36   1:22:27  1:32:59  1:49:17   1:55:46  2:10:08  2:34:14  2:42:41   2:45:33   2:47:00
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             4:09     6:56    11:52     5:29    12:03    29:07     12:51    10:32    16:18      6:29    14:22    24:06     8:27      2:52      1:27

    Daniel Darwin              mp       2:25    17:04    23:41    34:23    38:58    -----     -----    -----    -----     -----    -----    -----    -----     58:44     59:38
    VOC Vulcan Orienteering             2:25    14:39     6:37    10:42     4:35                                                                               19:46      0:54

RED (5) - 6.7km, 260m, 18 controls   1(102)  2(122) 3(111) 4(112) 5(113) 6(114)   7(115)  8(116)  9(117)   10(130)  11(118)  12(123) 13(126)   14(119) 15(120)  16(121)  17(104)  18(101)        F

1 Bulat Sagdullin          1:24:12    1:57    4:09   7:36  11:35  14:12  16:44    21:59   28:40   34:39     44:00    49:42    55:08  1:02:08   1:05:24 1:13:14  1:18:33  1:22:16  1:23:34  1:24:12
  VOC Vulcan Orienteering             1:57    2:12   3:27   3:59   2:37   2:32     5:15    6:41    5:59      9:21     5:42     5:26     7:00      3:16    7:50     5:19     3:43     1:18     0:38                                                                                                       

2 Steve Houghton           1:36:23    2:04    6:02   9:36  15:25  18:34  20:41    26:48   34:35   43:11     53:15    57:17  1:02:56  1:10:38   1:14:28 1:21:04  1:28:13  1:33:13  1:35:26  1:36:23
  GAOC GA Orienteering                2:04    3:58   3:34   5:49   3:09   2:07     6:07    7:47    8:36     10:04     4:02     5:39     7:42      3:50    6:36     7:09     5:00     2:13     0:57                                                                                                       

3 Doug Wright              1:43:46    1:46    3:13   5:49   9:52  12:49  14:45    36:28   41:59   48:24   1:09:31  1:11:45  1:15:34  1:20:42   1:23:40 1:31:46  1:38:06  1:41:48  1:43:05  1:43:46
  VOC Vulcan Orienteering             1:46    1:27   2:36   4:03   2:57   1:56    21:43    5:31    6:25     21:07     2:14     3:49     5:08      2:58    8:06     6:20     3:42     1:17     0:41

4 Geoff Work               1:59:15    2:01    3:37   6:39  11:53  19:24  21:31    28:33   37:47   46:50   1:03:52  1:07:44  1:15:36  1:26:35   1:33:01 1:41:08  1:50:01  1:56:07  1:58:19  1:59:15
  GAOC GA Orienteering                2:01    1:36   3:02   5:14   7:31   2:07     7:02    9:14    9:03     17:02     3:52     7:52    10:59      6:26    8:07     8:53     6:06     2:12     0:56

5 Anne Ledbetter           2:50:32    4:26    7:27  13:02  20:53  25:53  30:51    38:57   51:10  1:03:18  1:20:15  1:27:22  1:34:15  1:47:05   1:53:28 2:14:30  2:37:52  2:46:30  2:49:05  2:50:32
  GAOC GA Orienteering                4:26    3:01   5:35   7:51   5:00   4:58     8:06   12:13    12:08    16:57     7:07     6:53    12:50      6:23   21:02    23:22     8:38     2:35     1:27